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Genre: Rock & Pop
Top Albums:
Chris Isaak
Forever Blue
Everybody Knows It’s Christmas
Top Tracks:
Wicked Game
Forever Blue
Go Walking Down There
Chris Isaak, full name Christopher Joseph Isaak, is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and sometimes actor. He is known for reviving the rockabilly sound and for having a wide vocal range. His breakthrough hit and most well-known song, “Wicked Game,” is just one of his international hits. Isaak has had a career that spans over 40 years and has released 13 albums. He has toured extensively, alongside his bane Silvertone, and has been nominated for numerous awards. His image and sound are sometimes compared to Ricky Nelson, Roy Orbison, and Elvis Presley, among others. Isaak’s music has appeared in numerous films and he has dabbled in acting as well. He put together his first band after college and that group became his backing band when he went solo and released his first album in 1985.
You can get Chris Isaak concert tickets at TicketX. Unlike other resale sites such as StubHub, SeatGeek, and Ticketmaster, where service fees may fluctuate depending on venues, ticket types, and ticket prices, TicketX has an industry-low flat fee, which makes Chris Isaak concert tickets significantly cheaper.
The cheapest ticket for Chris Isaak concert starts from on TicketX.
To purchase Chris Isaak concert tickets on TicketX’s desktop website, go to the Chris Isaak page or search their name in the search bar.
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To select the date that is convenient for you, we recommend using the date filters at the top right corner of the page. When you find the ideal event, click “Find Tickets” to go to the ticket listing page.
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At the bottom of the mobile app, select the magnifying glass and search Chris Isaak in the search bar.
After you select the Chris Isaak page, please check the dates that are convenient for you and see if there are any events near you, then select your ideal event.
Once you select your desired event, you'll see a seat map and a list of all available tickets. To sort the tickets by the lowest price for Chris Isaak, click the price filter button in the top right corner.
After you pick the Chris Isaak concert tickets you want to purchase, select the number of tickets you want to purchase, and tap ‘Continue.’
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There are currently no upcoming events for Chris Isaak. Please check back TicketX later for updates on upcoming Chris Isaak events 2025.
Chris Isaak has been touring extensively in 2024 and has had several opening acts, depending on the date and location of the tour. Some of the performers include Boy & Bear, Mark Seymour & the Undertow, Vika & Linda, Ella Hooper, Mason Watts, and more.
Chris Isaak concerts are usually around 2 hours long. He plays almost non-stop, only pausing to joke with the audience and share stories. Depending on his opening act, his concerts can last as long as 3 hours. If he is part of a festival, he may only play for an hour.
Chris Isaak’s setlist can vary based on who else plays at the venue, where he is on the tour, and other variables. On September 18, 2024, he played a concert in Des Moines, Iowa at the Hoyt Sherman Place. This setlist comes from reports on
American Boy
Somebody’s Crying
Here I Stand
Hip Shake
Don’t Leave Me On My Own
Put Out Your Hand
Wicked Game
Go Walking Down There
Oh, Pretty Woman (Roy Orbison cover)
Forever Blue
Blue Spanish Sky
Speak of the Devil
Baby What You Want
Blues Stay Away From Me (The Delmore Brothers cover)
Take My Heart
Killing the Blues (Rowland Salley cover)
Can’t Help Falling in Love (Elvis Presley cover)
Blue Hotel
San Francisco Days
Big Wide Wonderful World
Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing/Bye Bye Baby
The Way Things Really Are
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