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Thumbnail for Pouya

Pouya Tickets

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Age: 29 (December 20, 1994)

Genre: Hip Hop, Rap, Alternative Rap, Emo Rap

Top Albums:

  • Underground Underdog

  • Five Five

  • They Could Never Make Me Hate You

Top Tracks:

  • 1000 Rounds (w/ Ghostemane)

  • Runnin' Thru the 7th with My Woadies

  • $Outh $Ide $Uicide


Though it might seem slightly strange to describe anyone who got his start in the music industry in the early 2010s as revolutionary or pioneering, Pouya was among the first of the new wave of artists, particularly rappers, to begin uploading their music seriously to SoundCloud. Through this route, Pouya was able to circumvent the major record labels and attract a large following of loyal fans who appreciated his unique blend of emo, alternative, and hip-hop music. Eventually, Pouya’s work attracted the attention of top artists and producers, leading up to his first studio album Underground Underdog in 2016, and he hasn’t looked back since. Known for collaborating with other rappers, particularly those who have now been dubbed the SoundCloud generation, Pouya has released songs with artists such as Denzel Curry, Fat Nick, Sir Michael Rocks, and many others. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to see this talented rapper live in concert—get your Pouya tickets from TicketX today!

How Much Are Pouya Tickets?

TicketX has all the cheapest Pouya tickets, with ticket prices starting from .

How to Buy the Cheapest Pouya Tickets on TicketX Desktop and Mobile Website

  1. To purchase the cheapest Pouya tickets on TicketX’s desktop website, go to the Pouya page or search Pouya in the search bar.

  2. Once you’re on the Pouya page, find events near you by using the location filter.

  3. To select the date that is convenient for you, we recommend using the date filters at the top right corner of the page. When you find the ideal event, click “Find Tickets” to go to the ticket listing page.

  4. To sort the tickets by the lowest price for Pouya in this ticket listing page, click the price filter button in the top right corner.

  5. If you have a specific budget, you can use the top left filter to set a price range by either adjusting the price sliders or manually entering your desired minimum and maximum prices.

  6. Ticket prices depend on whether you buy an even or odd number of tickets. We recommend that you specify the number of tickets with the quantity filter, which is above the price range filter. If you do not have a preference, you can leave it at “Any.”

  7. Once you find your desired ticket, proceed to check out.

  8. Enter or select an email address to use for receiving the tickets. Then select the desired ticket quantity and payment method. Once you complete your purchase, your Pouya tickets will be sent to your chosen email.

How to Buy the Cheapest Pouya Tickets on TicketX Mobile App

  1. Once you’ve downloaded the TicketX App, you must either sign up or log in to your account.

  2. At the bottom of the mobile app, select the magnifying glass and search Pouya in the search bar.

  3. After you select the Pouya page, please check the dates that are convenient for you and see if there are any events near you, then select your ideal event.

  4. Once you select your desired event, you'll see a seat map and a list of all available tickets. To sort by the lowest price for Pouya tickets, click the price filter button in the top right corner.

  5. After you pick the Pouya tickets you want to purchase, select the number of tickets you want to purchase, and tap ‘Continue.’

  6. Proceed to check out.

  7. Once the purchase is complete, you will receive your Pouya tickets in your mailbox!

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