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Thumbnail for Ethel Cain

Ethel Cain Tickets

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Ethel Cain

Age: 26 (March 24, 1998)

Genre: Alternative, Indie

Top Albums:

  • Preacher’s Daughter

  • Unreleased

Top Tracks:

  • American Teenager

  • Crush

  • Strangers

Ethel Cain

Hayden Silas Anhedönia is known under the stage name Ethel Cain and was born on March 24, 1998. She is an American singer-songwriter and enchants her fans with a mix of ambient, indie rock, and contemporary folk musicplus a pinch of Southern Gothic, Christian music, and Gregorian chant. Cain has been known to a wide audience since 2017: She released several EPs under various pseudonyms before founding her main project in 2019.

Her debut studio album Preacher's Daughter (2022) was well received not only by her several fans but also by many critics. Cain's works of art convince with cinematic elements, she manages to reflect personal and social issues on her audience and reach them emotionally. She has performed live at Coachella and Reading Festival, among others, and was the opening act for Mitski and Florence and the Machine.

In addition to her musical life, Cain is known for her activism and outspoken views on various social and political issues. She is openly bisexual and autistic.

How Much Are Ethel Cain Tickets?

The cheapest Ethel Cain ticket is from , on TicketX.

How to Buy the Cheapest Ethel Cain Ticket on TicketX Desktop and Mobile Website

  1. To purchase the cheapest Ethel Cain ticket on TicketX’s desktop website, go to the Ethel Cain page or search their name in the search bar.

  2. Once you’re on Ethel Cain page, find events near you by using the location filter.

  3. To select the date that is convenient for you, we recommend using the date filters at the top right corner of the page. When you find the ideal event, click “Find Tickets” to go to the ticket listing page.

  4. To sort the tickets by the lowest price for Ethel Cain in this ticket listing page, click the price filter button in the top right corner.

  5. If you have a specific budget, you can use the top left filter to set a price range by either adjusting the price sliders or manually entering your desired minimum and maximum prices.

  6. Ticket prices depend on whether you buy an even or odd number of tickets. We recommend that you specify the number of tickets with the quantity filter, which is above the price range filter. If you do not have a preference, you can leave it at “Any.”

  7. Once you find your desired ticket, proceed to check out.

  8. Enter or select an email address to use for receiving the tickets. Then select the desired ticket quantity and payment method. Once you complete your purchase, your Ethel Cain tickets will be sent to your chosen email.

How to Buy the Cheapest Ethel Cain Ticket on TicketX Mobile App

  1. Once you’ve downloaded the TicketX App, you must either sign up or log in to your account.

  2. At the bottom of the mobile app, select the magnifying glass and search Ethel Cain in the search bar.

  3. After you select the Ethel Cain page, please check the dates that are convenient for you and see if there are any events near you, then select your ideal event.

  4. Once you select your desired event, you'll see a seat map and a list of all available tickets. To sort the tickets by the lowest price for Ethel Cain, click the price filter button in the top right corner.

  5. After you pick the Ethel Cain tickets you want to purchase, select the number of tickets you want to purchase, and tap ‘Continue.’

  6. Proceed to check out.

  7. Once the purchase is complete, you will receive your Ethel Cain tickets in your mailbox!

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