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Which MLB fans do we all love to hate?

by TicketX Official

  1. The top 5 MLB teams (and fans) that everyone loves to hate
  2. The New York Yankees fan
  3. The Boston Red Sox fan
  4. The Los Angeles Dodgers fan
  5. The Chicago Cubs fan
  6. The San Francisco Giants fan
  7. TicketX Promo Code for Fans

The top 5 MLB teams (and fans) that everyone loves to hate

Any baseball fan will tell you that the only thing better than watching your team win is watching a friend’s team lose. We’ve all done it—the elbow jab, the knowing look, the snide email, the cheeky meme. And yet there are certain MLB teams — or rather, fans of certain MLB teams — that everyone loves to hate. Think you’re above all that? Be honest with yourself. Who doesn’t love to see Yankees fans crying into their $20 beers or Giants fans chucking down their kale smoothies in disgust?

And so, just for you, we’ve listed the top 5 MLB fans that nobody likes very much. Read on (you know you want to).

The New York Yankees fan

Even if you don’t know any actual Yankees fans personally, you know the type. Your average Yankees fan is a total glory chaser, but one who hasn’t bothered to keep up with the times. In his closet, next to his Yankees clobber, he’s got a Lakers jersey, a Patriots jersey, a Manchester United jersey—all things from teams that used to be good. Munching on a lukewarm slab of the tasteless pizza that he pretends to love so much, your Yankees fan will drone on about their 27 World Series triumphs. But when was the last one? Was he even there? And is he even really from New York?


The Boston Red Sox fan

Now, all of us make excuses when we don’t succeed in life, but Red Sox fans have taken this to a whole other level. The curse, they told us for years—the curse! In what other walk of life would it be acceptable to blame your failures on one stout man with a deep love for beer, Scotch and hotdogs who left you before the invention of the radio broadcast? The typical Red Sox fan relishes his role as the perpetual underdog, Luke Skywalker fighting the dark side (i.e. Yankees), but with a huge budget and 4 World Series wins since 2004, this is as hard to stomach as a Boston creme pie.


The Los Angeles Dodgers fan

Yes, we know, you’ve got Shohei Ohtani. And yes, we know that you’ve got one of the loveliest ballparks in the nation. Mostly, we know all this because Dodgers fans never stop talking about it. And when we say talking, what we really mean is inundating our online feeds with doctored photos of themselves posing in Dodger Stadium (we know you were only there for a couple of innings and a photo opp). And yet, what do their Dodgers really have to show for themselves beyond the look-at-me Hollywood razzle-dazzle? Not many World Series rings—that’s for certain.


The Chicago Cubs fan

When pigs fly. When cows jump over the moon. When the Cubbies win the World Series. While the Chicago Cubs may no longer be a synonym for futility, the warmth that even the most jaded fans of other teams felt towards the Cubs when they finally won in 2016 has long since evaporated. Cubs fans are just too earnest in their long suffering love, too devoted to this team that disappointed them for well over a century. Deep down, maybe Cubs fans actually want their team to go back to losing ways to be known for something more than being the second worst team in Chicago.


The San Francisco Giants fan

In San Francisco, even the baseball seems eager to get out of town, soaring over the outfield wall time and time again to splash down in McCovey Cove, where there are often more people in kayaks than there are fans inside the stadium. Your typical Giants fan will no doubt drone on and on about Even Year Magic, the boring San Francisco phrase for the three World Series they won in 2010, 2012, and 2014. Feel free to mention that the Giants’ last win before that was in an even year too: 1954 (when they weren’t even located in San Francisco).


TicketX Promo Code for Fans

Just to show all you Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, Cubs, and Giants fans that we still love ya, we here at TicketX would like to offer up a special promo code that gives you 10% off on the purchase of tickets to any MLB baseball game. Head to the ballpark with TicketX and save your money!

🎟️Promo code for New York Yankees games🎟️


🎟️Promo code for Boston Red Sox games🎟️


🎟️Promo code for Los Angeles Dodgers games🎟️


🎟️Promo code for Chicago Cubs games🎟️


🎟️Promo code for San Francisco Giants games🎟️


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