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Rock & Pop
Role Model
Fox Theater Oakland Tickets Apr 03 Thu 08:00 pm
Role Model with Debbii Dawson (Moved from Summit Music Hall)
Role Model
Fox Theater Oakland
, Oakland, CA
Apr 03 Thu 08:00 pm
Role Model with Debbii Dawson (Moved from Summit Music Hall)
Role Model
Fox Theater Oakland, Oakland, CA
Apr 03 Thu 08:00 pm
56 listings
Section BALC, Row BB
2 tickets
Lowest Price in Section!
$179.30 each
Section BALC, Row U
2-4 tickets
Incredible Deal!
$184.80 each
Section BALC, Row BB
2 tickets
Incredible Deal!
$190.30 each
Section BALC, Row AA
2 tickets
Incredible Deal!
$192.50 each
Section BALC, Row Z
2 tickets
Incredible Deal!
$198.00 each
Section BALCONY, Row V
2 tickets
Lowest Price in Section!
$199.10 each
Section GA FLOOR, Row GA
2 tickets
Lowest Price in Section!
$201.30 each
Section BALC, Row BB
2-4 tickets
$201.30 each
Section BALC, Row BB
2-4 tickets
$210.10 each
Section BALC, Row BB
2-4 tickets
$212.30 each
Section BALC, Row Z
2 tickets
$221.10 each
Section GA FLOOR, Row GA6
1 ticket
$222.20 each
Section FLOOR, Row GA0
1 ticket
Lowest Price in Section!
$226.60 each
Section BALC, Row BB
2-4 tickets
$227.70 each
Section BALC, Row Z
2-4 tickets
$233.20 each
Section GA FLOOR, Row GA
2 tickets
$234.30 each
Section GA FLOOR, Row GA
2 tickets
$234.30 each
Section FLOOR, Row GA3
1-2 tickets
$238.70 each
Section BALC, Row AA
2-4 tickets
$238.70 each
Section GA FLOOR, Row GA
2 tickets
$256.30 each